This year we are asking that parishioners do not leave Christmas cards in church for people to collect.
There is a potential risk of passing this dreadful virus to others when people pick up items others have recently handled. However, there is an alternative this year: a video Christmas Message!
If you would like to send a Christmas message to everyone in the parish please make a selfie video on your mobile phone, tablet, or other device (or ask a family member to video you while you speak). If you can’t think of anything to say, just say “Merry Christmas!”. Then email your video clip to Fr Martin ( with the subject “Christmas greetings video clip”. Fr Martin will join all the clips together and put them onto YouTube as a Glossop parishes Christmas message.
Your video clip should last between three seconds and twenty seconds, and you must include in the email something like, “I give permission for this video clip to be used on YouTube.” If everyone in the family wants to record a clip of their own, that’s fine! One email per video, and if someone is under eighteen their parent must give permission with some words such as “I am the parent of the person in this video and I give permission for it to be used on YouTube.”
Please send your videos by 22nd December, and Fr Martin will convert all the clips into one format, join them together, and edit the video in time, God willing, for the video to appear on YouTube at 7pm on Christmas Eve.
This information first appeared in our parish newsletter.