We had the joy of welcoming two Redemptorist priests to lead us in a week of events to renew and refresh our faith. Below is a copy of the information we shared as the mission was approaching.
The week runs from Saturday 14th May to Friday 20th May, and will be led by Fr Royston Price CSsR & Fr Kieran J Brady CSsR
What is this week about?
St Mary Crowned Parish, All Saints Parish, St Mary’s School and All Saints School are soon to experience a week of special events. A week like this is always memorable time in the life of a Parish and a School, but it’s not a ‘members only’ event – all are welcome.
It’s a great opportunity to slow down and look at your life.
It is also a time to look at your relationship with God and your relationship with those around you. This week is a reminder of the love God has for each one of us and for our world. It is also an invitation to work more closely with God and your local Parish community.
If celebrating your faith took a back seat during the pandemic, now’s the time to pick up where you left off.
Three ways in which you can help
- Pray for the events
- Tell others about the events
- Come to the events
I don’t go to church anymore, or I go rarely. Am I welcome?
There are many reasons why people stop going to Church or don’t go very often.
Sometimes people just get out of the habit of going; perhaps they are divorced, remarried and feel unwelcome; maybe they had an argument with a priest.
Whatever the reason, this week will give you the chance to do something about your faith in God.
Who knows, you might decide to come to all of the events.
You are welcome to come along for an informal chat with one of the Mission Team priests.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available after all Masses and services throughout the week.
This week is an important time in the life of your Parish – please join us! You will make all the difference to our celebrations.
Thanks to our primary schools for their involvement. The mission team will be working with the children, preparing them to be part of this special week.
Saturday 14th May
6pm Holy Mass at All Saints
Sunday 15th May
9.15am Holy Mass at St Mary Crowned
11.15am Holy Mass at All Saints
Monday 16th May
7.30am Holy Mass at St Mary Crowned, followed by a light breakfast
10am Holy Mass at All Saints
7pm Giving thanks around the Cross, at All Saints
Tuesday 17th May
10am Holy Mass for the Faithful Departed, at All Saints
11.30am Reflection on Death and Resurrection, at All Saints
7pm Remembering and celebrating our beloved dead, at St Mary Crowned
Wednesday 18th May
7.30am Holy Mass at All Saints, followed by a light breakfast
11am Holy Mass with Anointing of the sick, at St Mary Crowned
7pm Meeting God’s healing embrace, at All Saints
Thursday 19th May
10am Holy Mass followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, with Benediction at 11.30am, at St Mary Crowned
7pm Celebrating family and community, at St Mary Crowned
Friday 20th May
10am Holy Mass at All Saints
Light refreshments will be served after each event.
Why Bother?
This week is for all Catholics who want to deepen and develop their faith, and for those searching for meaning in life. Any Christian who would like to come along is welcome, most especially to the principal events (in bold above), and that welcome is offered also to those who want to find out more about Jesus Christ – you are invited!
Your presence can and will make all the difference. Please come along.
Prayer for the week
Father, Pour out your Spirit upon us. Grant us a new vision of your glory, a new experience of your power, a new faithfulness to your word, and a new consecration to your service, that your love may grow among us, we may answer your call to be missionary disciples of Jesus, and your kingdom may come, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Who are we?
This week of events is being led by the Redemptorist Mission Team. Fr. Kieran Brady is Mission Coordinator and leads weeks like this throughout the UK. He is based in Birmingham, and has been leading retreats and missions for many years. Fr Royston Price is one of the younger Redemptorist Confreres, and is also based in Birmingham. His work as Vocations Director takes him all over the UK.
The ministry of preaching “Good News” is the work of the Redemptorists. It is through the invitation of your parish priest and parish pastoral council that Fr Royston and Fr Kieran will be here to celebrate this week of events with us.
This week is an opportunity for you to ask questions, to look at your relationship with God or share your hopes with us. Come along and try it – you are invited!
May God Bless You All – Fr. Royston & Fr. Kieran
Special Family Service – Thursday 7pm
Parents! Please show your families that your faith is important in your lives. Make this week memorable for your family and your parish.
Download a timetable leaflet
Please feel free to download a copy of the leaflet.