What’s happening? Police are seeing an increase in reports of religious WhatsApp groups being targeted by scammers who infiltrate these groups in order to trick members into revealing verification codes, which the scammers use to steal money from group members.…
News Flash – Venue change: Fr Kevin’s funeral
The funeral Mass for Fr Kevin Gradwell, may he rest in peace, at 11.30am on Friday, will now take place at the Church of the Annunciation in New Mills, not at St Mary’s in Marple Bridge as previously announced.
Flower workshop postponed
The flower arranging workshop scheduled for 2pm this afternoon, Thursday, at St Mary Crowned, has been cancelled. It will be rearranged for another date. Sorry for any disappointment. Stay safe in the snow, everyone!
Episcopal Requiem Mass for HM Queen Elizabeth II RIP
News received from Bishop’s House. During this very sad time of national mourning, Bishop Patrick will celebrate a Requiem Mass for the happy repose of the soul of Queen Elizabeth in Saint Barnabas Cathedral, Derby Road, Nottingham, at 6pm on…
Update: HM Queen Elizabeth II, RIP
Prayers for the Repose of the Soul of HM Queen Elizabeth II, for the consolation of the Royal Family, and for God’s blessing upon King Charles III will be offered at the end of Holy Mass this weekend (Saturday, 6pm…
HM Queen Elizabeth II RIP
With gratitude for her lifetime of devoted service to the nation and the commonwealth, we offer today our prayers for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Eternal rest grant unto her, oh Lord, and let…
St Mary Crowned open on Saturday
St Mary Crowned will be open from 12 noon to 5pm this Saturday, 28th May, to give visitors to the Glossop Victorian and Heritage Weekend an opportunity to see inside the newly restored church. If you have friends visiting, please…
Litter pick postponed
In view of a forecast of exceptionally wet weather tomorrow, the planned litter pick has been postponed. A new date will be announced in due course.
National lockdown
Attending a place of worship for communal worship is one of the purposes for which you are permitted to leave your home. You must follow the instructions of the stewards who ensure visitors comply with the guidance on the safe…
Sunday Mass is at All Saints this week
Holy Mass on Sunday 13th will be celebrated at All Saints (Church Street, SK13 7RJ, near the junction with Hall Meadow Road).