We are within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham;
Bishop Patrick writes,
“Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am writing to ask if you will be kind enough to consider your financial contribution to our Church.
The information below sets out some of the reasons why. There is a Gift Aid form so that, if you are a taxpayer, we can claim back from the government an amount representing the amount of tax you have already paid on your contribution. There is also a standing order form if a regular payment is your preferred method of giving at monthly, quarterly or annual intervals.
You will find below the correct wording to be used if you would like to leave a legacy in your will so that a lump sum can be received for the purposes of the Church after you have died.
I would like to thank you very much indeed for your support to the Church financially. On your behalf I would also like to take this opportunity to thank your Parish Priest. On him so much of the burden of running the parish falls. Your generous gifts considerably help him in his task of running the parish.”
Gift Aid and Standing Orders
Your gift to the Church, when given with the benefit of a Gift Aid Declaration, greatly increases the value of the donation. This is because, as a charity, we are able to claim back from the government an amount representing the basic rate tax which you have paid on the amount of your donation. If you do pay income tax or capital gains tax will you consider completing the Gift Aid Declaration provided in this pack?
If you are a higher rate taxpayer you can also claim the higher rate tax back on your annual tax return.
If you want to make a regular payment of the same amount will you also consider completing the Standing Order Form on the page after the Gift Aid Declaration? Of course you can complete both.
What are your kind gifts used for?
The amount you give to our Church is your contribution to the substantial costs of running it. Traditionally Catholics have fulfilled their obligation to contribute to the support of our pastors. Even if the Church had no other costs, this would ensure that the Church could carry on providing the sacraments to the faithful. Within each parish, though, there is other necessary expenditure such as for the maintenance of the Church and Presbytery, and sometimes other buildings such as a Church Hall.
Other costs are incurred centrally, such as contributions to Education, to the Diocesan Youth Service, the University Chaplaincies, for Adult Formation and for the Ongoing Formation of our Priests.
Most of the running costs of your Parish and of the Diocese and of the national Bishops’ Conference costs are covered by the regular collections which are taken at the weekend Masses. However, there are from time to time substantial one-off costs. For example, the boiler in the Church may suddenly and unexpectedly need replacing. A building might need substantial roof repair. Facilities for the disabled may need to be provided. Until such time as these funds are needed by the Parish they are deposited centrally and are invested.
If you would be kind enough to consider a legacy to the Church in your will. It is tax advantaged as a charity.
The recommended form of legacy is as follows:
“I GIVE free of tax the sum of (insert the amount you wish to give here or the percentage of your residuary estate) to NOTTINGHAM ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESAN TRUSTEES (Charity number 1134449) of:
1 Castle Quay, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 1FW generally without imposing any binding trust or legal obligation but with the wish that it be used for (insert here Parish name or “the General Purposes of the Charity”
or one of the Special Funds or associated charities below) AND I DECLARE that the receipt of the Financial Secretary or other proper officer for the time being of the said charity shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustees.
Special Funds
Remember that it is not just your Parish which you can benefit. The form can also be used to benefit the Special Funds or associated charities of the Diocese. These include: The Clergy Formation Fund; The Sick and Retired Priests Fund; The Poor and Needy Parishes Fund; The Diocesan Youth Service.
Downloadable forms
When you have downloaded and completed these forms (or one of them), please send them to the address listed on the form.