Glossop Catholics

Easter offerings

How to give your gift online

Parishioners know that I don’t receive a salary from the parishes I serve, and my income is from the gifts that people choose to offer as Mass Offerings, and on occasions like weddings and baptisms. I am also grateful for the stipends given when I celebrate a funeral.

There are two occasions in the year when parishioners make a special effort to support those priests like me who do not take a salary: the Easter Offering and the Christmas Offering.

Some people have, with great kindness, expressed concern about my welfare and asked how to make a personal gift to me for the Easter Offering this year, when there will be no collection at Holy Mass.

I am moved by your concern for me. Please don’t worry. I won’t starve!

There is a way to make a personal gift to me online using your computer, laptop, Chromebook, tablet, or smartphone. There are eight easy steps.

1. Visit
2. Enter the amount of Easter Offeringh you wish to give.
3. Click or tap “Next”
4. Log in to your Paypal account, or click or tap “Sign up” to set up
a new Paypal account. If you are setting up a new account, go back to
step 1 when you are ready.
5. Click or tap “Add a note” and then type in something like “Easter Offering”.
6. Do not tick the box that says “Paying for goods or a service” — that would result in fees being taken off your gift.
7. Click or tap “Continue”
8. Check that everything looks right, then click or tap “Send money now”